Alternative dispute resolution that works.
The hardest part of divorce is all that leads up to it. Whatever the reason(s) for the breakdown in your marital relationship, it is the wrenching realization that the hopeful dreams on your wedding day of a lifetime together will not be realized. And, it hurts.
Its bad enough to have arrived in that place, and yet, it can become exponentially worse if the divorce process turns into a financially and emotionally exhausting free-for-all—more devastating for you and your family than the divorce itself.
We are here to help you avoid that. We are three family law mediators with more than 120 years combined experience in helping people conclude the divorce process with dignity and respect. We believe the way forward is through knowledge-based, solution-oriented discussion to achieve a an agreement that is fair and within the range of reasoned and predictable outcomes considering your individual circumstances and how the law would likely apply to them.
Mediation is an opportunity to take control of your own life, which at times, during the divorce process, may have seemed adrift. It empowers you to decide for yourself how your case will be resolved after full and private discussions in a non-combative, comfortable atmosphere guided by your lawyer and a mediator who is experienced, empathetic and efficient. The alternative is to turn things over to a complete stranger through the adversarial, dehumanizing and expensive path of trial, being grilled on a witness stand in a busy courtroom, decided by a judge who will never have opportunity to know much about you, your spouse or your family outside of that highly charged and stressful setting.
As this is probably all new to you, we invite you to look around our website, get to know us, see what we can do for you and learn more about what mediation is all about.
We look forward to meeting with you and helping you bring this unsettling chapter to a close. It’s time to stop the bleeding and move on. You need not be nervous about mediation. Be hopeful. Be confident. If everyone comes to mediation with an open mind and desire to be done, this will be the best day of your divorce/custody process and a solid investment in your future
Thanks for visiting us.
Get in touch
22340 Garrison Street
Dearborn, MI 48124
➤Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(313) 561-5566
“Sometimes you just have to be done.
Not mad. Not upset. Just done.
Be careful not to stumble on what’s behind you.”